Welcome to the DLCP Insurance Education Center
The Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DLCP) protects the health, safety, economic interests and quality of life of residents, businesses and visitors in the District of Columbia. As part of our agency’s role, we enforce insurance coverage as required by law for certain licensed professionals such as general contractors, home improvement contractors, tow truck companies, and more.
However, insurance can be confusing, is often misunderstood, and sometimes doesn’t match the expectations or needs of homeowners, business owners, or even commercial companies purchasing insurance and this leaves many improperly protected and at risk. While the Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB) regulates insurance companies, insurance producers, captive insurance companies, and risk retention groups; we want you to be mindful of the coverage expected from licensed professionals, potential limitations of your own insurance policies, and pitfalls sometimes encountered when relying on your neighbors’ policies to provide coverage for damage.
The Insurance Education Center (IEC) helps you navigate the often complex insurance industry so that you have fundamental information and can better identify questions that you may want to raise with an insurance professional. We’ve also provided quick and easy ways to compare and add coverage for initial or additional insurance coverage for homeowners and contractors, with a goal to ensure that you are educated, informed AND insured, whether as a licensed professional or during your or your neighbor’s construction project. As there are hundreds of potential carriers and many options for coverage, we encourage you to consult with your advisors about the best options for your situation.