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DLCP will be conducting routine maintenance and system upgrades from 12 pm on Friday, February 14, 2025, until 6 pm on Monday, February 17, 2025. During this time, some systems may not be available.

In observance of Presidents Day, DLCP will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025. 

Office of Enforcement

Office of Enforcement

The Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DLCP) issues Notices of Infraction (NOIs) to licensees who violate District licensure requirements, including professional license requirements, or otherwise violate District of Columbia laws, rules, and regulations under the authority of DLCP. NOIs are filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) to prosecute violations to the fullest extent of the law. DLCP collects all fines, penalties, and interest associated with violations adjudicated by OAH.

Additionally, DLCP places liens on properties when violators fail to pay outstanding fines.

The Office of Enforcement is responsible for the investigation and enforcement of non-compliant business activities, including licensing, vending and special events, and weights and measures. This division also investigates consumer protection complaints through its Consumer Protection Unit. 

Steps to Licensing Guide

Schedule of Fines

Consumer Protection Unit

The Office of Enforcement includes the Consumer Protection Unit (CPU), a team of investigators who are dedicated to enforcing District regulations in many areas, including, but not limited to: 

Visit DLCP's Consumer Protection page for more information, or proceed directly to file a complaint using CPU's universal intake form.

CPU's Universal Intake Form


Pay Fines

Pay Online
Payments may be made using debit or credit cards using our online payment portal.

Pay Fines Online


DC Law 2-52, provides that this assessment be paid in full, with interest from the date levied.  For each month or portion thereof that an assessment remains unpaid interest is accrued at 1.5%.  Interest begins 30 calendar days after the assessment is levied.

Annual Increases in Fine Amounts
As required by the Budget Support Act, an annual increase in all DLCP fines amounts will be implemented according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI).  Thus, each year starting January 1st, every fine will increase.  Green Building Code and Alternative Compliance Path Infractions (§16 DCMR 3314) are not included in this fine increase.

Additional fine information is available in the DC Municipal Regulations, Title: 16 Consumer, Commercial Practice, and Civil Infractions.

Establishment of Installment Payment Plans
DLCP offers customers the option of entering into an installment payment plan to pay fines. Through such an agreement, the accumulation of interest is stayed while the total due is paid over a maximum of six months.  To request to enter into an installment payment plan, please email [email protected].

Special Events and Vending Enforcement

The Office of Enforcement also regulates special events and mobile and stationary vendors, including both food trucks and sidewalk vendors. If you have an issue you may file a complaint using CPU’s universal intake form

CPU's Universal Intake Form

Steps to Licensing Guide

Flavored Tobacco Enforcement

On October 1, 2022, a new law called the Flavored Tobacco Product Prohibition Amendment Act of 2021 took effect in the District of Columbia.

Learn more about the Flavored Tobacco Ban.