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Office of Weights and Measures

Office of Weights & Measures

Welcome to the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DLCP) Business and Professional Licensing Administration Office of Weights and Measures.

District businesses must register all Universal Product Code (UPC) scanners, pharmaceutical balances, scales used in dialysis clinics, and commercially used weighing and measuring devices including gas pumps, produce scales, and many other devices. DLCP inspects thousands of devices twice every year to validate that the devices are properly calibrated and display accurately.

New businesses and existing businesses with new weighing/measuring devices must register the devices prior to use in any form of commerce. Registered devices must be re-inspected and renewed annually. The registration cycle runs from October 1st to September 30th. A $2,034.00 fine (per violation) will be assessed for businesses using uninspected and unregistered devices. A $250.00 late fee will be assessed for failure to renew your device(s) by the October 1st deadline.

The Office of Weights and Measures emails renewal notices to the email address provided in You must notify DLCP's Office of Weights and Measures in writing of any change in address, ownership, or contact information. Businesses that do not receive renewal notices remain responsible for renewing prior to the October 1st deadline. Certificates and device registrations are not transferable. If your business moves or adds a new device, you must register for the new location and/or the additional device.


Welcome to FY24 Weights and Measures Device Registration Program

Open Enrollment has begun and will continue until September 30, 2023






Weights and Measures Fees

Class Device Type Fee(per device)
A Scales 0 - 100 lbs (maximum per location $900) $75
B Scales 101 – 2,000 lbs $200
C 2,001– 20,000 lbs $500
D Vehicle Scales $1500
E Hopper Scales $250
F Jewelers Balances $75
G Prescription Balances (Electronic/Mechanical) $75
H Bulk Petroleum Fuel Meters $250
I Compressed Natural Gas (per meter) $250
J Liquefied Petroleum Gas Meters ¾ inch diameter or less $250
K Liquefied Petroleum Gas Meters greater than ¾ inch $375
L Retail Engine Fuel Meters $60
M Universal Product Code (UPC) Scanners (per unit) $25
N Yard Sticks / Tape Measures $25
O Wire / Cordage Measures $50


How Can You Protect Yourself?

To be sure your purchase is measured and weighed correctly:

  • Read the package label.
  • Pay only for the product and its packaging. For example, make sure the scale weighs only the salad and its contents and does not include the weight of the container.
  • Check the unit price of the item.
  • Check your receipt to be certain the unit price aligns with the weight and/or quantity of your purchase.
  • Look for a current green and orange approval sticker and seal from the DC Office of Weights and Measures.

If you believe a merchant overcharged you, that you did not receive the quality/quantity advertised/paid for, or have another complaint, you may submit a complaint to the Office of Weights and Measures.



How Does DLCP's Office of Weights and Measures Protect Consumers?

Take a look at how DLCP's Office of Weights and Measures Division protects consumers below:

  • We inspect retail engine fuel meters ensure to ensure you get the proper quality and quantity for which you paid.
  • When you buy foods like meat, fruit, and vegetables, which are sold by weight, the grocer uses scales we inspect regularly to ensure accurate measures.
  • We inspect pre-packaged goods to ensure the actual weight of the package aligns with the displayed label weight.
  • We inspect retailers’ price/UPC scanners to ensure shelf prices match scanned prices.
  • We inspect jewelers' balances to ensure gems and precious metals are weighed accurately.
  • We inspect prescription balances to ensure pharmacists weigh medicine mixtures accurately.
  • We inspect compressed natural gas meters to make sure you get the proper quality and quantity for which you paid.
  • We help ensure safe health care by inspecting dialysis clinic scales used to check the weight of patients before and after treatment.
  • We inspect hopper scales to ensure concrete, sand, gravel, and asphalt mixtures are measured correctly before they go into streets, sidewalks, and buildings.
  • Our vehicle scale inspections help businesses comply with highway load restrictions and assure accurate pricing of sand, gravel, asphalt, and scrap metal.
  • We inspect commercial yardsticks and tape measurers, used to measure fabric, building materials (screening, glass, and piping), and other products sold by the inch, yard, and foot.

If you believe a merchant overcharged you, that you did not receive the quality/quantity advertised/paid for, or have another complaint, you may submit a complaint to the Office of Weights and Measures.


Register Your Device

Register a commercially-used weighing, measuring, or scanning device in the District of Columbia.

New Merchants

To receive an invitation to our device registration portal, contact us via telephone, (202) 671-4500, or ONLINE (ATTN: Office of Weights & Measures). Be sure to include the following information in your inquiry:
  • Name
  • Business Email Address
  • Business Name
  • Business Address

Existing Merchants

Log in to your existing ONLINE account to renew or modify registrations online.


Request a Refund

If you feel you are due a refund due to excess, duplicate, or erroneous payment, submit the online refund request  You must submit all of the required documentation in order to process your claim.