DLCP is dedicated to better serving residents and businesses. Our Account Managers provide wards with a single, dedicated contact, ready to assist you with issues that fall under the purview of DLCP.
The fastest and most effective way to bring an issue to our attention is to submit it via our customer relationship management system. Issues submitted in this way are routed to the appropriate DLCP staff member and tracked to ensure timely completion. To do this, simply email [email protected], fill out our online intake form, call (202) 671-4500, or use the chat feature on our website during normal business hours.
Ward 1 – Ronal Norales
Ward 2 – Paul Caswell
Ward 3 – Emir Gur-Ravantab
Ward 4 – Ronal Norales
Ward 5 and 6– Sharon R. Thornton
Ward 7 and 8—Tamika Wood and Aurice Long