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Board of Accountancy Consumer Information

The District of Columbia Board of Accountancy regulates the licenses of professional accountants, CPA firms and protects consumers by upholding the District of Columbia accountancy license law. The District of Columbia Board of Accountancy (the Board) is governed by Non-Health Related Occupations and Professions Licensure Act of 1998, effective April 20, 1999 (D.C. Law 12-261; D. C. Official Code § 47-2853.01 et seq. (2001).

 The purpose of this law:

•    Is to promote and protect the public interest by implementing the provisions of the Act, which provides for the licensing of certain practitioners of public accountancy and seeks to enhance the reliability of information which is used in financial transactions or for accounting for or assessing the financial status or performance of commercial, non-commercial, and governmental enterprises.

  • The chairperson is authorized to sign all orders issued on behalf of the Board.
  • A majority of the Board shall be in attendance at a meeting to constitute a quorum.
  • A majority vote of those Board members present and voting is necessary for the Board to take any action.
  • The Board shall meet no less than four times per year.
  • The Board may meet in committees smaller than the full Board, but of not less than three members, for carrying out specific functions of the Board, provided that any actions of such smaller committees are ratified by the full Board.

The Board consists of five members appointed by the Mayor. Four members must each hold a license as a certified public accountant (CPA) in the District, hold a valid permit to practice, and have practiced public accountancy as a CPA in the District for a minimum of five years at the time of appointment. One member must be a non-accountant representing consumers. Three members of the Board constitute a quorum.

The Board meets the first Friday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Department of Licensing and Consumer and Protection located at 1100 4th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20024. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Board meetings are been held virtually and are open to the public. To access information regarding previous meetings, click here.

File a Complaint or Issue

If you have an allegation of non-compliance against a Certified Public Accountant who is licensed/certified with the DC Board of Accountancy, please File a Complaint.
Need to find the status of a licensee? Click here

Letter of Certification/License Verification
Request a Letter of License Certification
Choosing a CPA
The District of Columbia Board of Accountancy (DCBOA) cannot refer or recommend a CPA. The public is encouraged to visit the DCBOA licensee search and verify if a CPA holds an Active license. Other resources on verifying a CPA credential include CPA Verify. is a CPA lookup tool populated by official state regulatory data sent from Boards of Accountancy to a central database. The website represents the first ever single-source national database of licensed CPAs and CPA firms and include markers of enforcement, non-compliance or disciplinary action for added confidence in hiring a CPA.

The District of Columbia Board of Accountancy works with other national and international organizations to aid exam candidates, licensees, firms and the community.

CPA Organizations/Resources