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DLCP will be conducting routine maintenance and system upgrades from 12 pm on Friday, February 14, 2025, until 6 pm on Monday, February 17, 2025. During this time, some systems may not be available.

In observance of Presidents Day, DLCP will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025. 


Last Date:


District of Columbia Real Estate Commission

Amended Notice of Public Hearingg (Virtual)

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

1:00 PM

In the Matter of the Application of Melinda Liu Against the Real Estate Guaranty and Education Fund



Meeting Agenda


  1. Call to Order – 10:00 am
  2. Introduction and Attendance 
  3. Swearing-in of witnesses
  4. Statements/Testimonies and entry of evidene
  5. Executive Session {Closed to the Public} – for the Commission to consult with an attorney and deliberate on a decision for Ms. Liu’s application for payment against the Real Estate Guaranty and Education Fund pursuant to D.C. Official Code §§ 2-575(b)(4)(A) and (b)(13), respectively.
  6. Hold a vote by a majority of Commission members present and voting on whether to approve or deny Ms.Liu's application
  7. Entry of a dcision on the record by the Commission
  8. Adjourn

To Join the Meeting

Other Ways to Join:
You may join by phone by calling: 650-479-3208
Please use Access Code: 2315 943 7941
Password: RealEstate (73253782 from phones and video systems)

This meeting is governed by the Open Meetings Act.  Please address any questions or complaints arising under this meeting to the Office of Open Government at [email protected].” 3 DCMR § 10409.2