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Programs and Initiatives

The Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DLCP) provides several programs and initiatives for the District of Columbia. Read on to learn about participation and benefits.

Cashless Retailers

October 1, 2023, enforcement of the D.C. Law 23-187. Cashless Retailers Prohibition Amendment Act of 2020, which prohibits retail establishments from discriminating against cash as a form of payment, began.

DLCP Access DC Initiative

DLCP utilizes Access DC - a program to enhance security and improve access to all of DLCP's online services.
Signing up for an Access DC account is easy. Simply visit Access DC and click the sign-up link.

Flavorless Tobacco

On October 1, 2022, a new law called the Flavored Tobacco Product Prohibition Amendment Act of 2021 took effect in the District of Columbia. This law:
  • Prohibits the sale of all flavored tobacco—including flavored synthetic nicotine products.
  • Prohibits the sale of all electronic smoking devices within a quarter mile of any middle or high school in the District.

Street Vending Amnesty Program

Starting October 1, 2023, DLCP will administer the Street Vending Amnesty Program (the “Amnesty Program”) pursuant to D.C. Act 25-94. The Amnesty Program will be available to applicants for 5 years. The purpose of the Amnesty Program is to allow street vendors with certain debt to qualify to obtain a Vending License. Additionally, a street vendor who qualifies for the Amnesty Program will also be eligible to have this unpaid debt forgiven. 
A street vendor may qualify for this program only if they have debt incurred between January 1, 2010 and September 30, 2023 for the following:
  • Vending violation fines issued by DLCP [or its predecessor the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (“DCRA”)], and/or
  • Minimum sales tax payments issued by the Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR) pursuant to D.C. Official Code  § 47-2002.01.
If there is any other debt owed, other than the debt specified above, then the street vendor will not qualify for the Amnesty Program. A street vendor must resolve any other debt owed before they can qualify for the Amnesty Program.

Small Business Resource Center (SBRC)

DLCP is the home of the Small Business Resource Center (SBRC), which provides training and consultation services to customers seeking more information related to DLCP services.

A DC street