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Applicant Posting / Public Notice Details

Applicant Posting / Public Notice Details


Applicant Posting

All applicants for a Basic Business License for a Regulated Business (Public Hall) are required by D.C. Official Code 47-2820 to post two (2) notices for a period of four (4) weeks in a conspicuous place outside of the premises. The notice states that any resident or owner of a residential property within 600 feet of the boundary lines of the lot upon which the establishment is located is entitled to be heard. The notice shall contain the time and date of the hearing.

Note: If resident objects, a hearing will be held to determine the following:
  • The effect of the establishment on the peace, order, and quiet of the neighborhood; and/or
  • The effect of the establishment on the residential parking needs and vehicular and pedestrian safety of the neighborhood.

Public Notice

As required by D.C. Official Code 47-2820, prior to being issued a Basic Business License for an Entertainment Services Business (Athletic Exhibition, Billiard Parlor, Bowling Alley, Game Table, Mechanical Amusement Machine, Moving Picture, Theater, Skating Rink and Theater - Live), the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs will give notice by advertisement -- published twice a week for at least two (2) weeks in the D.C. Register -- that lists the arcade’s owner, address, and any trade name; the date you posted the notice; the deadline for people to file requests to oppose or support license issuance; proposed hours of operation; the kind of entertainment or events the arcade will have; and the address to send all comments.
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