Renewal Eligibility
A Basic Business License is eligible for renewal ninety (90) days prior to a license's expiration. If your license is eligible for renewal, you may renew online at My DC Business Center ( If you do not already have an existing account, you must first create a My DC Business Center account.
Late Fee & Penalty Schedule
All Basic Business Licenses comply with the following Late Fee & Penalty Schedule for failure to renew:
Instructions for Online Renewal
If you obtained your Basic Business License through My DC Business Center, you may renew the license by:
1) Logging into your existing My DC Business Center account;
2) Select 'My BBLs';
3) DO NOT Select the blue "Renew an Existing License"; Scroll down until your BBL record;
4) Select the blue 'RENEW' hyperlink to the right of your license;
5) Follow screen prompts to complete the renewal process.
All other licensees may renew via My DC Business Center. You will need the following information to renew:
1) BBL number; and
2) Last four (4) digits of the tax number associated with your license.
Follow screen prompts to complete the renewal process.
Linking My DC Business Center to AccessDC
(Most compatible with Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browsers)
Effective June 20, 2020, My DC Business Center is linked with AccessDC, a single login to receive DC Government services.
If this is your first visit to the My DC Business Center since the June 20, 2020 launch of Access DC, please take the following steps:
- Open a browser tab and go to My DC Business Center;
- Register with AccessDC using email address;
- Complete the link account step in the DC Business Center and enter User ID;
- You will need to know the original My DC Business Center password or use the 'Forgot password?' feature on the LINK PAGE.
If you already have registered for an AccessDC account, please take the following steps:
Open a browser tab and go to My DC Business Center;
Log into the AccessDC account using email address;
Complete the link account step in the DC Business Center and select User ID;
You will need to know the original My DC Business Center password or use the 'Forgot password?' feature on the LINK PAGE.
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