General Information
The District of Columbia Board of Barber and Cosmetology regulates the practice of barbers, body artists, and cosmetologists, including specialty cosmetology practices such as braiding, electrolysis, esthetics, manicuring and others as the Mayor may from time to time establish by rule, instructors and managers of these practices, and owners of such facilities. The Board works diligently to raise the standards of practice, ensure quality service, establish accepted codes of ethical behavior, and protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens and visitors of the District of Columbia by upholding the city’s Barber and Cosmetology license law, which took effect on May 2001.
The Board of Barber and Cosmetology consists of 14 members, appointed by the Mayor: three barbers; three cosmetologists, three specialty cosmetologists; three body artists; and two consumer members. Eight members constitute a quorum.
The Board meets on the first Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection located at 1100 4th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024. Due to the public health emergency, all board meetings are currently being held virtually.
Board meeting minutes are available at www.open-dc.gov.
Apply for License
Items Needed for Application
- One 2”x2” passport-style photo (.jpeg format)
- Valid government-issued ID (e.g., driver’s license)
- Debit or credit card to pay application, exam, or license fees
- NOTE – Send Transcripts and Copy of Continuing Education Certificates to [email protected]. Include your name and/ or license number in the subject line.
Pre-Licensing and Continuing Education Providers
Exams may be scheduled online or by phone.
To schedule online, visit psiexams.com. New users will need to create an account and register prior to scheduling an exam. Once registered, select “Schedule an examination” and then:
- Select Government/State Licensing Agencies
- Select District of Columbia exams
- Select Account for the type of licensing exam that you are seeking
Applicants may also schedule by phone at 1 (855) 557-0616.
- Initial Licensing Application Fee: $65.00
- Initial Examination Fee: $55.00
- Initial License Fee:
Barber $110.00 (up to 2 years)
- Manager $110.00 (up to 2 years)
- Instructor $110.00 (up to 2 years)
- Owner $110.00 (up to 2 years)
- Barber, Barber Owner $110.00 (up to 2 years)
- Barber, Manager & Instructor $155.00
- Late Renewal Fee $50.00
- Examination/Re-examination See § 3500.3
- Reinstated License $155.00 (up to 2 years, renewal fee applies for renewals thereafter)
- Inactive Status $155.00
- Duplicate License $30.00
- Verification of Records $30.00
- Application $65.00
- License $110.00 (up to 2 years)
- Renewal $110.00 (up to 2 years)
- Renewal (Managers & Instructors) $155.00
- Renewal (Specialty Managers & Instructors) $155.00
- Late Renewal Fee $50.00
- Examination/Re-examination (See § 3500.3)
- Reinstated License $110.00 (up to 2 years)
- Reinstated License (Managers & Instructors) $155.00
- Reinstated License (Specialty Managers & Instructors) $155.00
- Inactive Status (All categories) $110.00
- Inactive Status (Managers, Instructors & Specialty) $155.00
- Duplicate License $30.00
- Verification of Records $30.00
- Temporary License (All operators except electrologists) $110.00
* Please note that according to D.C. Code § 47-2853.10, application fees for initial licensing, certification, registration, renewal and reinstatement shall not be refundable, even if the applicant withdraws his or her application for licensure, certification or registration, or is found to be not qualified.
License Renewal
Login to the system using your license number and your password.
If you do not remember your password; click “Forgot your password?”
Check your e-mail inbox for a link to reset your password (check your Spam/Junkfolder).
Once logged in, scroll down to your license type and select Renewal
Click “Begin” to start the application.
Answer all the screening questions and make your payment.
PLEASE NOTE – Do not upload Photos and Continuing Education Certificates
Cosmetology License Renewal Information
To complete your online renewal, follow the steps below:
- Begin the online renewal process here.
- Login to the system using your license number and your password.
- If you do not remember your password; click “Forgot your password?”
- Check your e-mail inbox for a link to reset your password (check your Spam/Junk folder).
- Once logged in, scroll down to your license type and select Renewal
- Click “Begin” to start the application.
- Answer all the screening questions and make your payment.
PLEASE NOTE – Do not upload Photos and Continuing Education Certificates
Letter of Certification/License Verification
Request a Letter of License Certification